text reading, "maid of honor nails her speech" and a photo of a maid of honor in a pink dress holding notecards and speaking into a microphone.

Amazing Maid of Honor Speech Example (Video)

Watch a wedding speech writer break down one of YouTube's most-watch maid of honor speeches. 

Watch time: 8 minutes

Do you need some help with your maid of honor speech?

Hi, I'm Beth. I can help you give a really great maid of honor speech! If you are struggling to get started and need an express lane to a great first draft - one that sounds like YOU - try one of my maid of honour speech templates
Or if you’ve waited til the last minute, book a 24 hour Video Speech Audit, and get my feedback and fixes within 24 hours.
Wish you could just click ‘add to cart’ and have a speech created for you? You can!

With my “I Write It For You” service, you’ll answer a few questions and I’ll take it from there.

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Products and services to help you make your wedding speech unforgettable!

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Hi, I'm Beth. I'm a comedian, an Emmy-winning comedy writer, and the founder of Authentically Funny Speeches.

In addition to my tv writing career, since 2017, I've been helping people just like you create and deliver amazing toasts and speeches.

To find out more about my products and services, just click the button.

20 pages of my best tips, tricks, examples and advice... absolutely free.