How To Write The Perfect Speech For your Own Wedding

How To Write The Perfect Speech For your Own Wedding
Unbridely Podcast featuring Beth from Authentically Funny Speeches


 The 3 most likely reasons you’re avoiding writing your wedding speech are:

1) You’re imagining it’s going to be really hard,

2) You’re worried about being judged or criticized

3) You just don’t know where to start and are overwhelmed.

In this episode of the Unbridely Modern Wedding Planning Podcast you'll learn:

  • What makes a great speech including the order you want to thank people in, how long it should go for and the incredible benefits of going last, PLUS
  • A few comedic tools to bring out when you really want to get the laughs
  • What to do if 1 or both of you are introverts (and I think you’re going to be really surprised by Beth’s solution).
  • My easy, 6-part wedding speech framework for you, so you don’t skip a thing and end up looking like a complete legend at the end of it.

Other episodes mentioned in this podcast:

Ep 34: How to Give an Amazing Wedding Speech (even if you're really nervous) with Authentically Funny Speeches


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Hi, I'm Beth. I'm a comedian, an Emmy-winning comedy writer, and the founder of Authentically Funny Speeches.

In addition to my tv writing career, since 2017, I've been helping people just like you create and deliver amazing toasts and speeches.

To find out more about my products and services, just click the button.

20 pages of my best tips, tricks, examples and advice... absolutely free.