Funny Engagement Party Toasts & Speeches: A Complete Guide

Why to write it, how to write it and exactly what to say to your guests and to your partner-to-be!

Why You Should Make a Toast at an Engagement Party

Most importantly, to say thank you. It's a great opportunity to show your appreciation for the friends and family who've played a special role in your life and in your relationship. 

How to Write a Funny Engagement Party Toast or Speech

The best wedding speeches are made up six parts but an engagement post really only needs two. Make each half about a minute long, and you'll have a toast that's the perfect length. 

In the first half, thank your friends and family for showing up that evening and all along the way. Make sure to recognize parents, close friends, or anyone who's played a special role in your relationship. 

In the second half, tell us about your fiancé. What drew you to them? What makes you love them more every day? What are you looking forward to in the future? End that section - and your toast - with an actual, "please raise your glass" toast to your future spouse. 

Finding the Right Tone for Your Audience

Keep it heartfelt and fun. The best humor comes from truth, so you don't need to force in awkward jokes. Often the best laughs come from simply acknowledging what your audience is thinking.

Dos and Don’ts of Humor in Engagement Speeches

Do: keep it short and sweet

Save something for the big day! Less is more here. 2 or 3 minutes doesn't sound like much, but it's plenty of time to say everything you want. If it's a little bit shorter or longer, don't worry, but make sure you've edited down your thoughts to be as concise as possible. 

Don't mention the five P's:

  • Profanity
  • Poop
  • Projectile vomiting
  • Previous partners
  • Politics

Every crowd is different, so these are guidelines, but broadly speaking, these subjects are gross and/or potentially divisive. Besides, you've got better things to talk about! For more on what to avoid, check out our guide on Things NOT To Mention In A Wedding Speech.

Tips for Delivering a Funny Engagement Speech

Prepare! You don't have to make it a Broadway performance, but think through in advance what you'd like to say, and either script it out, or make some notes. Make sure you have a beginning, a middle and a clear end.

For tips on the best way to start your speech with humor, watch the video below where I offer advice on the best way to start your speech!

Watch time: 4 minutes 3 seconds

Timing is Everything

When it comes to an engagement party speech, it's always better to leave 'em wanting more than to make them wonder when - or if - your toast is going to end. Two to three minutes should be all you need, especially if you're planning to speak again at the wedding or rehearsal dinner.

Wondering how long your engagement party speech should be? Watch below to learn more about the perfect length to keep your toast impactful and your audience engaged!

Watch time: 2 minutes 33 seconds

Practice to Perfect Your Delivery

Practice makes perfect! Think through what you're going to say in advance, and write out your thoughts completely, or create an outline. Once you have one of those, read it out loud, and then do it again and again until it feels natural, or at least less unnatural. You don't need an audience. This is about muscle memory and getting your brain and mouth familiar and coordinated. Think of it as your pre-workout warm-up session.

Engage the Audience with Personal Stories

Don't just tell us someone is compassionate - or funny, or driven, or uninhibited - give us specific examples. Your guests will get a better sense of the true nature of the person you're speaking about, and you'll get laughs, because the best type of humor is truth.

Want to make your engagement party speech unforgettable? Personal stories are the secret sauce! Watch the video below to see how you can weave in meaningful (or hilarious) anecdotes that’ll have everyone smiling!

Watch time: 2 minutes 39 seconds

Ending Your Engagement Speech on a High Note

Make sure to end your toast with an actual toast. Literally, ask the guests to raise their glasses in a toast, and then toast your partner-to-be or the couple, depending on your role in the wedding. 

Looking for Help With Your Speech?

Hi, I'm Beth. I help people write wedding speeches that are heartfelt and funny. Over the past eight years, I've helped nearly 1000 speakers give unforgettable speeches that make the couple, the guests, and the venue staff say, "That's the best wedding speech I've ever heard."

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Hi, I'm Beth. I'm a comedian, an Emmy-winning comedy writer, and the founder of Authentically Funny Speeches.

In addition to my tv writing career, since 2017, I've been helping people just like you create and deliver amazing toasts and speeches.

To find out more about my products and services, just click the button.

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